Worship Lyrics


Come Behold The Wondrous Mystery

Come behold the wondrous mystery

In the dawning of the King

He the theme of heaven's praises

Robed in frail humanity

In our longing in our darkness

Now the light of life has come

Look to Christ who condescended

Took on flesh to ransom us

Come behold the wondrous mystery

He the perfect Son of Man

In His living in His suffering

Never trace nor stain of sin

See the true and better Adam

Come to save the hell-bound man

Christ the great and sure fulfillment

Of the law in Him we stand

Come behold the wondrous mystery

Christ the Lord upon the tree

In the stead of ruined sinners

Hangs the Lamb in victory

See the price of our redemption

See the Father's plan unfold

Bringing many sons to glory

Grace unmeasured love untold

Come behold the wondrous mystery

Slain by death the God of life

But no grave could e'er restrain Him

Praise the Lord He is alive

What a foretaste of deliverance

How unwavering our hope

Christ in power resurrected

As we will be when He comes

What a foretaste of deliverance

How unwavering our hope

Christ in power resurrected

As we will be when He comes

What a foretaste of deliverance

How unwavering our hope

Christ in power resurrected

As we will be when He comes

© 1949 and 1953 Stuart Hine Trust CIO Stuart K. Hine Trust (Admin by Capitol CMG Publishing) CCLI Song No. 14181© 2013 The Village Church (Admin The Village Church) McKinney Music, Getty Music Hymns and Songs, Love Your Enemies Publishing (Admin. by Music Services) CCLI Song No. 7026028

Nothing But The Blood

What can wash away my sin

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

What can make me whole again

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

For my pardon this I see

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

For my cleansing this my plea

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

O precious is the flow

That makes me white as snow

No other fount I know

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Nothing can for sin atone

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Naught of good that I have done

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

O precious is the flow

That makes me white as snow

No other fount I know

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

This is all my hope and peace

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

This is all my righteousness

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

O precious is the flow

That makes me white as snow

No other fount I know

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

O precious is the flow

That makes me white as snow

No other fount I know

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

© 2004 Lavikmusic; Thirsty Moon River Publishing, CCLI Song No. 4326593

Christus Victor (Amen)

O Most High King of the ages
Great I AM God of wonders
By the blood You have redeemed us
Led us through mighty waters
Our strength our song our sure salvation

Now to the Lamb upon the throne
Be blessing honor glory power
For the battle You have won
Hallelujah Amen

O Most High dwelling among us
Son of man sent for sinners
By Your blood You have redeemed us
Spotless Lamb mighty Savior
Who lived who died who rose victorious

Now to the Lamb upon the throne
Be blessing honor glory power
For the battle You have won
With every tribe and every tongue
We join the anthem of the angels
In the triumph of the Son
Hallelujah Amen

O Most High King of the nations
Robed in praise crowned with splendor
On that day who will not tremble
When You stand Christ the Victor
Who was and is and is forever

Now to the Lamb upon the throne
Be blessing honor glory power
For the battle You have won
With every tribe and every tongue
We join the anthem of the angels
In the triumph of the Son
Hallelujah Amen

Amen amen amen
Amen amen amen
Amen amen amen

Now to the Lamb upon the throne
Be blessing honor glory power
For the battle You have won
With every tribe and every tongue
We join the anthem of the angels
In the triumph of the Son
Hallelujah Amen
Sing the victory of the Lamb
Hallelujah Amen Amen

© 2024 Getty Music Publishing, Messenger Hymns, LIVINGHYMNS, Getty Music Hymns and Songs, Love Your Enemies (Admin by Capitol CMG Publishing) CCLI Song No. 7245980

Come Adore The Humble King

Come adore the humble King

Lowly in the manger

Fall before His majesty

Hail the little Savior

Hope what hope no tongue could tell

God has come with us to dwell

His name is Emmanuel

O praise the humble King

Come adore in humble state

He the song of angels

Join the wise who call His name

And with all creation

ho oh who would condescend

God unknown now calls us friend

Love that none could comprehend

O praise the humble King

Come adore the King who came

To our world to save us

Born to heal our prideful race

Crown us with forgiveness

Fall oh fall before the one

Who in mercy left His throne

Christ the Lord God’s only Son

His glories now we sing

O praise the humble King

Come adore come adore

Come adore the King

Bow before come adore the

Name above all names

Come adore come adore

Come adore the King

Bow before come adore the

Name above all names

Come adore come adore

Come adore the King

Bow before come adore the

Name above all names

Come adore come adore

Come adore the King

Bow before come adore the

Name above all names

Come adore come adore

Come adore the King

Bow before come adore the

Name above all names

Come adore come adore

Come adore the King

Bow before come adore the

Name above all names

Come adore come adore

Come adore the King

Bow before come adore the

Name above all names

© 2018 Getty Music Hymns and Songs, Getty Music Publishing, Love Your Enemies Publishing, Messenger Hymns (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.) | All rights reserved. Used by permission | CCLI #7134769

Jesus Is Better

There is no other so sure and steady

My hope is held in Your hand

When castles crumble and breath is fleeting

Upon this rock I will stand

Upon this rock I will stand

Glory glory we have no other King

But Jesus Lord of all

We raise the anthem

Our loudest praises ring

We crown Him Lord of all

Your kindly rule has shattered and broken

The curse of sin's tyranny

My life is hidden 'neath Heaven's shadow

Your crimson flood covers me

Your crimson flood covers me

Glory glory we have no other King

But Jesus Lord of all

We raise the anthem

Our loudest praises ring

We crown Him Lord of all

In all my sorrows Jesus is better

Make my heart believe

In every victory Jesus is better

Make my heart believe

Than any comfort Jesus is better

Make my heart believe

More than all riches Jesus is better

Make my heart believe

Our souls declaring Jesus is better

Make my heart believe

Our song eternal Jesus is better

Make my heart believe

Glory glory we have no other King

But Jesus Lord of all

Glory glory we have no other King

But Jesus Lord of all

We raise the anthem

Our loudest praises ring

We crown Him Lord of all

We crown Him Lord of all

© 2013 Aaron Ivey Designee, worshiptogether.com songs, Austin Stone Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) CCLI Song No. 7006188

All songs used by permission under CCLI Copyright License #294657 and CCLI Streaming License #20317059.